Learn to create safer journey spaces for a healthier, happier world.

November 16th, 2023
12pm PT / 3pm ET / 7pm UTC

Plant Medicine






Why Plant Medicines?

Over the last decade, psychedelic plant medicines have become popularized as a profound source of healing for our modern ailments.

The reasons people choose to work with psychedelic plant medicines are diverse — physical, psychological, and emotional healing, ancestral clearing, spiritual insight, and more.

Unfortunately, as more people seek out these healing tools, more and more people are having adverse reactions, leaving them further from the healing they seek.

We envision a world where everyone who both facilitates and participates in these journey spaces is trauma-informed, creating a safer, healthier, and happier world for all.

During this masterclass, we’ll be exploring and answering one primary question:

How can we, together, minimize the potential dangers of psychedelics while leveraging their maximum benefits?

“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.”

Anatole France

“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.”

Anatole France

What You'll Learn

How to assess who will benefit from plant medicines

Plant medicines aren’t for everyone, and they’re not for anyone all the time. Learn how to determine who will benefit from psychedelics and when.

Trauma-informed approaches to ceremony facilitation

Not all ceremony and journey spaces are created equal. Learn the nuances of what makes a safer container for deeper, lasting healing.

The essentials of sustainable integration

Ultimately, Life is the real ceremony and post-journey integration is key to long-lasting transformation. Learn how to create an environment of enduring growth and resilience for the people you serve.

PLUS a recording of the live Q+A


Ticket Price: $27.00

When you purchase the Masterclass you'll receive INSTANT ACCESS to the recording... Plus some special bonuses!

Live November 16th, 2023

12pm PT / 3pm ET / 7pm UTC

Register Now

What Partcicipants Are Saying

  • Melissa Stangl
    Aurianna and Will do an incredible job tailoring this information for the plant medicine community. This workshop covers the entirety of the healing container and offers practical tools and knowledge for supporting people from start to finish. Everyone who supports or guides others in psychedelic medicine journeys will benefit from this workshop.
    Melissa Stangl
    Co-Founder at Soltara Healing Center
  • Kandra Birdsall
    This workshop with Aurianna and Will reaffirmed my commitment to first approaching myself through a trauma-informed lens so that I can carry that forward when I hold space for others. This is a much needed discussion.
    Kandra Birdsall
    Ayahuasca Facilitator at Soltara Healing Center
  • Todd Roberts
    Peering into the great labyrinth of the psyche is no small undertaking and, therefore, it deserves to be held with the careful aid of those that are versed and competent in the most prevalent practices and theories that have emerged out of the holistic and therapeutic professional communities in modern times.
    Todd Roberts
    Ayahuasca Facilitator at Soltara Healing Center

    Your Trainers


    Aurianna Joy is a somatic leadership coach, embodiment mentor, herbalist, doula, and trauma resolution educator who guides individuals on the delicate path of cultivating aliveness and living a life free from trauma.

    Using her 15 years of personal inner work and spiritual growth combined with 10 years of professional experience in the healing arts, she weaves an intricate web of healing and remembering for those in devotion to their path of Becoming.


    Will Rezin is a leading expert in the field of personal development with a focus on trauma education and somatics. Will has a unique approach that combines somatic practices, early developmental movement theory, esoteric philosophy and trauma theory with traditional coaching methods. He's the co-founder of Trauma and Somatics where he trains practitioners to become trauma-informed, and the co-founder of The truth. Foundation where he and his co-founder, David Gonzalez, are on a mission to End Trauma.

    Over the past 18 years, Will has immersed himself in studying human development through the lens of culture, psychology, biology, physiology, mysticism, myth and behavioral change. He is trained in Somatic Experiencing®, Core Energy Leadership Coaching, Karmic Astrology, Jungian Archetypal Psychology, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Amazonian Shamanism and much more. Will integrates a multitude of therapeutic models into his work with clients and his teaching with students. 


    To promote good professional practice, you are advised to use this training within the boundaries of your professional expertise. While Trauma + Somatics provides the knowledge of stress and trauma physiology, it is designed as continued education and is therefore not a substitute for a professional training program, such as a coaching certification. We recommend you receive foundational training in your chosen area of professional development before joining the program.
    Trauma + Somatics is not a substitute for medical or psychological services of any kind. The information provided inside the course is meant for educational purposes and is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure disease. By joining the program, you are affirming that you are emotionally stable, in sound psychological health, and personally responsible for all of your own decisions and commitments. The founders of Trauma + Somatics are not responsible for any decisions made as a result of the program.
    To promote good professional practice, you are advised to use this training within the boundaries of your professional expertise. This workshop is designed as continued education and is therefore not a substitute for a professional training program.
    This workshop is not a substitute for medical or psychological services of any kind. The information provided within is meant for educational purposes and is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure disease. By registering, you are affirming that you are emotionally stable, in sound psychological health, and personally responsible for all of your own decisions and commitments. Trauma and Somatics, LLC is not responsible for any decisions made as a result of the workshop.